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Predaj bytu • 29 m² bez realitkyPraha-Hostivice, Školská ulice, Hostivice - Hostivice, Středočeský kraj

Praha-Hostivice, Školská ulice, Hostivice - Hostivice, Středočeský kraj
Cena1 600 000 CZK


 One-room flat in new housing project from the year 2 000, in quite neighborhood in the old part of town Hostivice, in three floors residence house. View from the window on the town, orientation east. In the flat is an entrance hall, bathroom with a shower and toilet and a main room with small kitchen. Public transport to the centre is very near the house, to the centre 35 min. Parking in front of the house. The town Hostivice is in very strategic place Prague –West near Ruzyně Airport. For clients, who prefer quite surrounding with nice landscape. Cooperative apartment, direct owner.

Parametre nehnuteľnosti

Číslo inzerátu7292
Užitná plocha29
Podlažie3. podlaží
Výstavba budovOstatné

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